Tote dumpers can be an integral part of a mix-and-blend system feeding product into a series of primary hoppers or they can be completely stand-alone devices. For high volume applications tote dumpers can be pass-through devices that receive and discharge totes very quickly into the processing system.
  • Our tote dumpers are powered hydraulically for two fundamental reasons: operating performance and cost
  • The method of rotation can be either single- or two-stage cradles
  • Single-stage cradles work well with one-piece wooden or plastic macro bins
  • Two-stage cradles are designed to work with cardboard totes sitting on wooden pallets
  • Two-stage cradles stop the pallet’s rotation outside the food zone, and only the tote is allowed to rotate over the food zone
  • Optional skirting can be added to cradles to help contain pallet debris
  • Optional pneumatic tote hold-downs help hold plastic liners in the tote during the dump cycle
  • Upgrades to stainless steel hydraulic cylinders, fittings, and power packs are available